Ways To Make A Dental Website Look Great

If there was one common and legitimate complaint about dental websites, it would be the designs are too generic. Sure, the websites get across the pertinent information about the clinic, but do the pages really inspire? When having dental website design work performed, a wise move to make is to integrate innovative content that gets across valuable information while also presenting the dental clinic in a very upbeat, positive light.

Produce a Digital Newsletter

A short, three-page digital newsletter with a nice layout and a handful of images is a nice addition to the website. Two or three articles on basic dental health, a bio of a popular hygienist, and a photo of the primary dentist are going to impress visitors.

With the right keywords weaved into the text, the newsletter just might end up helping the website boost its ranking in the search engines.

Publish Podcasts

Podcasts are, essentially, radio shows presented on the internet. Publishing two or three podcasts on the website could be a positive for the clinic. The podcasts do not have to be all that lengthy. Three five-minute podcasts in which the chief dentist talks about common dental treatments are more than enough.

There is a hidden benefit to these podcasts beyond their informative aspect. Potential patients can actually hear the voice of the dentist. An dentist who sounds both professional and easy-going could surely put nervous patients who haven't visited a clinic in years at ease.

Run News Links on the Site

One way to impress visitors to the website is to present links to news and interesting events in the dental industry. The links could be presented at the bottom of the home page or on a separate subpage titled, appropriately, "News." The following headlines/links definitely could catch visitor's eyes:

  • "New Research Reveals Better Ways of Preventing Cavities."
  • "How Your Diet Can Help Your Dental Health."
  • "Three Celebrities Reveal Their Dental Secrets."

Providing a gateway to informative and entertaining news links on the site definitely aids in helping it stand out. Also, presenting news links on the site may help provide the impression the dental office is always staying "up to date" on new treatments and innovations. 

Leave the Task to the Pros

Dental offices should hire professionals who have great experience with putting together a solid multi-media presentation on a website. Using a website builder program is not advisable when putting unique elements into the content of the site. Without the right experience, the novice designer could end up creating a cluttered website that turns potential patients off. Hire a professional who specializes in dental website design to ensure that your site looks as good as possible.
